An mp3 blog about music, life and everything in between, made by a college hipster with nothing better to do then comment about music he likes for people he probably doesn't know.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Drums, Guns and bears, oh my!
This post is half for a friend, and half for anybody out there in internet land. The song is Belarus, by Low, off the new album "Drums and Guns". I hope you like it. Very droney, very beautiful. Low - Belarus
The mp3s posted on the blog are for preview purposes. If you enjoy the music, please support the artists by buying the albums or seeing their show. If a label or band (for some insane reason) finds this blog and would like an mp3 removed, email me at and I will remove it as soon as possible.
mp3s tend to be deleted after a month or so (sometimes sooner). If there is an mp3 you want, but it is down, send an email and I'll put it back up for you.
violent past is a better song. post that one
Very true. Actually, this album has really been growing on me. There are some very solid songs.
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